Or perhaps more importantly: When will we have more Talent to BtB’s? Many BtB’s struggle to attract and retain talent, especially those competences, that are sought by everybody.
It is rarely because of lack of challenging projects or attractive employee conditions. It is more often because young professionals demand more than a steady job. They prefer to vore for companies with clear values and a proposition, that makes the world a better place, or at the very least a specific approach to being a responsible part of society.
For many years employer branding has been the mantra for attracting talent. With promises of career development, advancement opportunities, attractive working conditions and good colleagues, or roller pens at job fairs. And all too seldom is the invitation tied to the company’s commercial core purpose and/or role in the wider community.
Ever since, many years ago, a cleaning assistant at NASA was immortalized for saying, that he/she “was part of putting a man on the Moon”, we have understood, that purpose and vision generates pride and motivation. And there is a reason why the social chocolate and coffee business, Social Foodies, grow and have more success attracting young people, then the pizzeria next door. We all prefer to give our efforts for a purpose with meaning.
For BtB’s it is often about focus.
They excel at presenting their products down to the last gear or transistor, but they are rarely placed in the bigger picture. It calls for dialogue and cooperation between HR, Marketing, Communications and Strategy to build a common platform with a narrative, can grow over time with new exciting activities and ideas coming from committed and talented professionals, who choose to make the journey with you.
purposeATheart.com already helps companies and organisations in Denmark, Sweden, Austria, Slovenia and the Czech Republic to create meaning for customers, employees, society and other influencers, identify successful actions and repeat those long enough to make an impact.
About strategic brand mgmt., how to turn it into good business and other thoughts on how to succeed as an ambitious marketeer in a digital world…